Health & Safety - Radiant Renewables

Health & Safety

With almost 30 years of experience serving a range of residential and commercial clients, we are committed to maintaining our strong health & safety management across all projects, both large and small, public or private sector, new build or retrofit.


We design, install, maintain, and decommission renewable systems and so, our obligations are very clear in the CDM Regulations, which means that our clients know that they can rely upon Radiant for a safe project for its entire lifecycle. Through a careful survey, data gathering, and initial design process is where the implementation of comprehensive health and safety risk management begins, backed up by best practice specifications, leveraged by our investment in state-of-the-art heat pump equipment, and PV and water reclamation technology. Our end-to-end practices and attention to detail minimise potential health and safety risks.

We are proud to report an impeccable health and safety record! Over the last 5 years, we have had zero reportable incidents or accidents, reflecting our unwavering commitment to maintaining a pristine safety track record.

Some key aspects of our health and safety management practices include:

  • Compliance and regulatory requirements – Ensuring compliance with relevant health and safety laws, regulations, codes, and standards set by government agencies, industry associations, and other authorities.
  • Risk assessment – Identifying and evaluating potential hazards and risks in the client’s sites/workplace, such as access, heights, loading capacities, temporary works, equipment, chemicals, ergonomics, electrical systems, and environmental factors.
  • Safety policies and procedures – Establishing and enforcing comprehensive health and safety policies and procedures that comply with applicable laws and regulations, industry standards, and best practices of both our own but also, adapted for every project to suit our Client’s Site Rules, and the Site’s specific risks and restrictions.
  • Hazard control – Implementing measures to control and mitigate identified risks.
  • Method Statement – Encompassing all of the above specific to a given site and a given set of risks.
  • Training and education – Providing adequate training and education to employees, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure they are aware of such potential risks, understand safety protocols, and know how to use equipment and tools safely.
  • Incident reporting and investigation – Establishing procedures for reporting and investigating incidents, accidents, or near-misses, and taking corrective actions to prevent a recurrence.
  • Continuous improvement – Regularly reviewing and improving health and safety policies, accreditations, procedures, and practices based on feedback, audits, inspections, and lessons learned from incidents and learning experiences from special or unusual projects.

As a company, we are constantly striving for improvement and are committed to creating a safer work environment for our employees, customers, and stakeholders. Our aspiration is to be a better and safer company, and we are taking proactive measures to achieve this goal. We are actively fostering a safety-first mindset among our employees, promoting accountability, and recognising and rewarding safe practices. As well as this, we are currently working towards achieving Safe Contractor approved status and ISO accreditations, further highlighting our commitment to continuously improving our business practices.

Please Contact Us if you would like to learn more about our health & safety management practices.
