The Big Push On Heat Pumps - Radiant Renewables

The Big Push On Heat Pumps

The second national infrastructure assessment, conducted by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), has been released 5 years after the initial analysis in 2018. Since then the world has had to deal with various crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, which understandably has exacerbated the economic challenges faced by numerous households and businesses in what we now know as the ‘cost of living crisis’.

Simultaneously, our awareness of the dangers associated with climate change has increased, and following the NICs second assessment, they have made a number of recommendations to help improve and decarbonise the UK’s infrastructure.

The Previous 5 Years

Since the five years following the initial assessment the government has been actively implementing various measures in an effort to boost the effectiveness of our national infrastructure. This has included things such as increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources, which the National Grid has confirmed that 38.2% of electricity in 2022 was renewably generated. The UK Infrastructure Bank has also been set up to provide finance to tackle climate change and support regional and local economic growth.

Alongside these, the government has delegated transport funding to significant urban areas, and offered clear guidance to the industry for the swift development of gigabit-capable broadband networks. But it’s clear that additional efforts are required to rectify substantial shortcomings in the UK’s economic infrastructure and prepare it to confront upcoming challenges.

New Recommendations

Enhancing the nation’s infrastructure is a substantial endeavor, but it can be realised with the condition that the government makes enduring decisions, eliminates obstacles to advancement, and ensures a cost-effective and equitable transition with support for the populace. The NIC’s second assessment has set out a number of recommendations including:

  • Integrating low-carbon and adaptable technologies into the electricity grid to uphold supply reliability and establishing a novel strategic energy reserve to enhance the economic stability of Great Britain.
  • Making a decisive determination that electrification represents the sole feasible approach to significantly reduce carbon emissions in buildings, thereby aligning the UK with its climate objectives and reducing energy expenses. This entails complete cost coverage for heat pump installations in lower-income households and extending £7,000 in support to all other households.
  • Enhancing transportation infrastructure in the major regional cities of England aims to stimulate economic expansion, revitalise struggling segments of the national road network, and establish a comprehensive, enduring rail strategy to boost productivity in the Northern and Midlands urban areas.
  • Guaranteeing nationwide access to gigabit-capable broadband by 2030 and facilitating the expansion of new 5G services in the market.
  • Getting ready for a drier future involves implementing strategies to enhance water supply infrastructure and minimise water loss, all while decreasing the overall water consumption.
  • Establishing ambitious, quantifiable objectives and guaranteeing the availability of financial strategies to substantially decrease the quantity of properties vulnerable to flooding by the year 2055.
  • Delivering a more sustainable waste system by urgently implementing reforms to meet the 65% recycling target by 2035, and creating stronger incentives for investment in the recycling infrastructure that will be needed in the future.

Electrification Of Heating

Following the NICs second assessment is has become clear that the electrification of heating is crucial to ensure that we can meet the Government’s target to cut carbon emissions from buildings by 2035.

The electrification of heating refers to the transition from traditional heating methods that rely on fossil fuels (such as natural gas or oil) to heating systems that are powered by electricity (heatpumps or electric boilers).

In order to boost the uptake of heat pumps the NIC recommends that:

  • Starting in 2024, a subsidy of £7,000 per property owner will be offered to incentivise the installation of heat pumps or connection to heat networks.
  • Offering upfront cost financing at a 0% interest rate in addition to the subsidy.
  • Removing policy expenses from electricity invoices and guaranteeing that operating a heat pump is more economical than operating a fossil fuel boiler.
  • Streamlining the installation of a heat pump or low carbon heat network to ensure a swift and uncomplicated process.

Why Choose Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps exhibit remarkable efficiency by producing approximately three units of heat for each unit of energy expended (compared to fossil-fuel boilers than generate less than 1), and the government has already stated around 90% of homes have sufficient energy efficiency and internal electrical connection capacity to support the installation of a heat pump system.

As well as benefiting from clean & energy efficient heating, you may be eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) grant which now provides up to £7,500 towards the costs of installation.

To learn more, or to discuss heat pump options with a member of our team, get in touch via:

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